Mail in Office 365

Basic information

Web Interface (URL)
Username Username is including, e.g.
Password Your primary university password (same as to the study system)
Android – a recommended client Microsoft Outlook for Android from Google Play
iOS – a recommended client Microsoft Outlook for iOS from Apple store
Windows/macOS – a recommended client Outlook. Users have 5 Microsoft Office licenses available, which include the Outlook Mail client

Basic Limits/Restrictions

  • Mailbox capacity is 50GB
  • ~18MB maximum size of one message including attachments (in documentation it is 25MB, but it is after conversion to base64). There is a ~112MB limit between the Office 365 mailboxes.
  • maximum of 500 recipients in one message, max 10000 recipients in all emails sent in 24 hours

Other Limits of Office 365 (Enterprise E1 limits apply to VŠE).

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