Repair and Service

1. General Information

Computer repair and maintenance is carried out in Žižkov mainly by its own workers of Help Desk, and by IT Operations Section in the Jižní Město campus, and then by a supplier’s method if the scope, complexity and availability of spare parts exceed its own capabilities. Warranty repairs are provided on the basis of concluded purchase contracts with suppliers. In the case of refused warranty claims and post-warranty repairs of technology, the Informatics Centre will provide an estimate of the price of the repair together with a recommendation whether the repair is financially effective or not.

2. How to Hand Over the Technology for Diagnostics/Repair of Malfunction

If you are unsure whether the particular device is still under warranty, contact the person in charge of your department/section (typically a secretariat) to determine the date of purchase of the hardware.
Deliver the device (including the necessary accessories) to the Help Desk Section or to the IT Operations Section at the Jižní Město campus.
Informatics Centre staff will contact you after performing diagnostics of the failure.
If the repair requires replacement of components or the intervention of an authorized service center, you will be informed of the estimated cost of repair.
For paid repairs it is also necessary to fill in the Electronic Request Form and deliver the duly completed Internal Request Form to the Informatics Centre (SB 18 office)

3. Recommendations in Case of Malfunction

In case of computers, external drives and other data carriers, we strongly recommend that you discontinue use and unplug the device immediately after a malfunction. Continued use reduces the likelihood of recovery of your data.
Do not repair it by yourself, you are at risk of injury, and also it may turn a repairable defect into the category of non-repairable.
Consult your IT purchases with the Informatics Centre, our staff will be happy to assist you in choosing to avoid the purchase of exotic hardware with low or no repair options and spare parts availability.

4. Repair of Technology 1997-2017

The following table gives an approximate overview of the registered repairs of technology since 1997:

Source: Computer Centre Annual Report 2017