Secure Access Data Authentication

The system provides authorization, authentication and single sign-on (SSO) services for students and employees of VŠE. It is implemented by shibboleth software.

When trying to access an application (website) requiring authentication, the user is redirected to, where they enter their InSIS name and password. After a successful login, the user is redirected back to the service’s website.  Therefore, the application does not have user access data, only information about the result of the authentication.

Single Sign-on Service

The server providing a single sign-on service for VŠE (Shibboleth IDP) has been updated. If you encounter any issues, please contact the administrators at

Most visible changes:

  • viewing information about the particular service to which the user logs in via, and request for permission to provide specific information about the user of that service.
  • unification of the design of the system with the VŠE template,
  • deployment of Extended Validation (EV) of TLS certificate.