Software Recording

The unit that purchases the software individually (purchase, gift, etc.) is obliged to submit it for registration to the Informatics Centre, including these following documents (order accompanying document, invoices, license agreement, gift letter, etc.) and company documentation.

The Informatics Centre records the SW delivery in the SW technical files. Registration of the SW will be confirmed by the CI employee by signing in the liquidation sheet of the invoice with the registration number of the SW. CI will hand over the SW for use against the signature of the guaranteed SW employee and the stamp of the Cost Centre.

Under the terms of the Microsoft Campus Agreement and the EES, the University of Economics has provided Work at Home rights for educators in law disciplines to use basic software for work on a home computer purchased by a school. This is an upgrade of the MS operating system and Office Suite. In this case, it is possible to borrow the installation CD for 1 day against signing the agreement of Acceptance with the License Terms for your own home installation.

Software registration, prospective purchase of software and renting of the installation CD for home installation is provided by Ing. Věra Soukupová (room 15 sb, l. 5830)

Office hours: Mon, Wed:  9.00-11.30 Tue, Thu: 13.00-14.30